Ninth Life
a light dynamic painting
2021 | ink on wood panel, RGB LEDs | 4’ x 3’
There’s a demon waiting at the end.
What kind of deal must a creature make to receive not one, but nine lives? Cats may be resilient, but what is the cost of their luck? And perhaps most concerning, what do they become when eight of their lives are spent?
Ninth Life reveals the beast hidden inside our bewitching feline companions, and begs the question: does a cat become a monster, or was she a devil all along?
This painting is dedicated to my two furry fiends, who always keep me on my toes.
Ninth Life is available for sale and rental
Set Free | Estes Park CO, 2023
Lumens | Fort Collins CO, 202
Spectra Art Space | Denver CO, 2022
Petrichor Collective | Fort Collins CO, 2022